Sedona optimized its sales operations
with SeniorERP

Sedona ALM, a fiscal equipment distributor, replaced its old non-integrated applications with Senior Software’s ERP solution. As a result of this, the company eliminated situations such as the lack of real-time access to relevant data, the involvement of a large number of resources in day-to-day activities, and many others.

Sedona optimized its distribution activity after deciding to implement Senior Software’s ERP solution. The system was seamlessly integrated with all other systems used by the company, enabling the successful management of all business processes.

With a turnover of around 17 million RON, Sedona distributes a wide range of fiscal equipment, accessories and consumables. Prior to the partnership with Senior Software, the distributor used non-integrated systems and therefore transferring and accessing business information was difficult, resource intensive and data accuracy was not guaranteed. Managers did not have a clear image of sales, inventory and other situations, which prevented them from managing their business optimally and making the right business directions. Thus, after a detailed analysis of solutions on the market, Sedona chose to implement SeniorERPERP software for enterprise resource management from Senior Software.

The need for integration and centralized tracking was the decisive factor that led to the implementation of Senior Software’s solution. Previously, we did not have proper inventory management, and the accounting records were kept in an external system, therefore data transfers between systems were necessary. In addition, our activity was hindered by the challenges encountered while integrating the old resource management program with other internal applications.

Logo Sedona aparaturafiscala small size
Alexandru Lembrau
Owner - Sedona ALM


Among the results Sedona ALM gained thanks to Senior Software’s system are:

Increased visibility over employee activities

Reduced order taking and processing times

Complete traceability of inventory and warehouse operations

Integrated management of resources and financial & accounting operations

Quick access to information of interest, updated in real-time

Increased efficiency in daily activities

rezultatele pe care Sedona ALM le-a inregistrat cu sistemul de la Senior Software

We now have a  complete software solution […]. With SeniorERP we manage all accounting, logistics, sales operations and more in a single platform. The system has simplified the entire goods receiving process, eliminating discrepancies between the stock invoiced by suppliers and the one that we actually receive.

Equally important for us is the system’s intuitive interface […], and that access can be based on internally established roles. These aspects have led to the elimination of operating errors and increased staff productivity […] Another plus is the reports we get with SeniorERP, from which we can easily observe data of interest, so we can quickly design the right business strategies.

Alexandru Lembrau, Owner - Sedona ALM

About Sedona ALM

Sedona is a supplier of all-in-one fiscal POS systems for retailers in Romania and other EU countries. Since 2002, the company has been selling cash registers, gradually expanding its range of products and services. Currently, the company’s portfolio includes fiscal printers, barcode readers, electronic scales, banknote counting and checking machines, software and applications for mobile devices, etc.

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