Senior Software’s systems have streamlined the activity
of the manufacturer of soft drinks “vitamin aqua”

With Senior Software solutions, Merlins Beverages, the manufacturer of ”vitamin aqua” soft drinks, has optimized a wide range of activities in the production & sales areas as well as in financial-accounting zone. With ERP and BI, the manufacture from Neamt, top leader in Romania on the vitamin water segment, it benefits from correct and detailed reports, having increased visibility and control over the business.

Merlins Beverages, the top player in Romania in the vitamin water segment, implemented the software solutions provided by Senior Software to automate its business, starting from the supply of raw materials to the sale of finished products.

The manufacturer of premium soft drinks and of the famous brands ”vitamin aqua” and ”Pop Cola” has improved its activity with SeniorERP – ERP software for resource management and SeniorVisualBI – BI software for complex analysis and detailed reporting.

With SeniorERP we manage to track the entire flow of activities and processes, from raw material supply to sales, and BI is useful to us in terms of reporting across departments

logo merlins negru client senior software solutie erp
Ruxandra Alexianu

Among the results obtained with the help of SeniorERP and SeniorVisualBI systems, are:

Tracked business flows in real time

Ensuring traceability in terms of raw materials and finished products

Ability to quickly perform detailed analyzes and production reports

Increased efficiency and visibility in the sales area

Simplification of financial-accounting operations

Obtaining an overview of the company’s processes

Increased accuracy in data management and much more

rezultatele obtinute cu ajutorul sistemelor software ERP si BI

“SeniorERP gives us the support we need for the traceability of raw materials and finished products. The production reports are complete and easy to view, so the management has also improved.

In the sales area, we have a much clearer situation about the activity of sales agents on the various distribution channels that we serve.”

– added Ruxandra Alexianu.

The impact of Senior Software solutions in production and sales

By using the functionalities of the ERP and BI solutions from Senior Software, Merlins Beverages managed to optimize in a short time the production and sales processes, increasing the productivity of the employees. Currently, the manufacturer efficiently manages its resources, can easily make a series of conclusive reports for sales and production and also in the financial-accounting field.

Also, the manufacturer`s relationship with IKA (International Key Accounts) has been improved by automating document transfers, made with the help of EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) platform, whose functionalities are integrated in SeniorERP.

About Merlins Beverages

Merlins Beverages is a premium soft drink manufacturer from Neamt (Romania). The company was founded in 2011. ”vitamin aqua”, ”Merlin’s LEMONADE”, ”Pop Cola” and ”VITANIMIX” are product ranges included in the company’s portfolio. Merlins Beverages brands can be found on the shelves of all retail chains in Romania, in gas stations and grocery stores, covering both organized and non-organized trade.

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